søndag den 14. februar 2010

Happy Valentine!


Egentlig fejrer jeg ikke Valentines day, da traditionen for det i Danmark ikke er så stor. 
Men i skulle da ikke snydes for dette romantiske billede:) 
Så til de af jer der fejrer det, så må i have en rigtig god dag med masser af kærlighed til dem i holder af! 

Kram Lene
Valentines day isn't such a big tradition in Denmark, as it is in the U.S. But in the past four years it has begun to be more popular. Mostly among young people... So today I am not going to do anything romantic. But to those of you who celebrates this day, I hope you all will have fantastic day with a lot of romance and love.
Hugs Lene

3 kommentarer:

  1. Vilka vackra hjärtan. Och i en härlig färg dessutom.
    Hoppas du har en bra helg.
    Kram Elzie

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Lene. It's nice to celebrate and be living the romantic day all day!

  3. Hej Elzie
    Ja det er bare et super fint billede. Håber din dag bød på en masse romantik og kærlighed:)

    Hi Tracie
    Sure we also had a little romance with a good movie and my new "healthy" cake:)
    Hugs Lene


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Hjertlig Hilsen Lene

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